HCPC registration for physiotherapists in the UK.

Updated: Apr 5, 2021

How to register with the HCPC in the UK?

Many clinicians struggle with the HCPC forms, additional documents and HCPC registration procedures.

Please find below a detailed guide relating to HCPC registration procedures for physiotherapists.

Firstly, physiotherapists would need to download an application form from the HCPC website.

In Section 1 you would need to provide your details – name, surname, address etc.

Please note, you do not need to have NIN (National Insurance Number) if you have not worked in the UK.

In Section 2 you need to provide information about your qualifications.

It is crucial to add an email address to someone (course direction, secretary etc.) who will confirm that you completed physiotherapy course.

Not every candidate will be verified by the HCPC assessors.

However, If HCPC approaches a contact person (indicated by you in the HCPC application form) and a reply is not obtained, the entire HCPC application process will take longer.

Section 3 is an extremely important element. You will need to describe your clinical experience.

It is not enough to indicate where you have worked. HCPC officials wold expect details relating your skills, conditions, assessment methods and standards of proficiency.

Describing a case scenario or case study (MSK, Neuro etc.) may be also beneficial.

Section 4 relates to memberships. If you are a member of physiotherapy association or council in your home country you should write down these membership.

You do not need to be a member of any professional body in order to register with the HCPC.

However, it looks professional to list these memberships in your HCPC application form.

In Section 5, you should either tick the box Yes if English is your first language or a box No if you do not use English on a daily basis. If English is not your first language you will need to provide IELTS certificate.

Sometimes HCPC assessors accept other language certificates. However, you will need to forward additional document with information about the marks, score and assessment method.

Section 6 relates to payment. You need to provide a valid email address. HCPC assessors will forward link to your email ID.

You will also need to attach the following documents:

- Proof of ID (certificated copy)

- Proof of your current address (certificated copy)

- Degree certificates (certificated copy)

- Course Information form (original)

Post office officials can offer a verification service in the UK.

Also, a solicitor, bank manager can also certify various documents.

HCPC registration is a complex process. If you require any additional information please forward an email via info@monroemedical.co.uk

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