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Hcpc re-registration

How Can I Re-Register with the HCPC in the UK?

If you're a healthcare professional who has been out of practice for a while and you’re looking to return, re-registering with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) in the UK is a crucial step. Whether you're a physiotherapist, radiographer, or any other professional regulated by the HCPC, it's important to understand the process of re-registration to ensure a smooth return to your profession.

Re-Registering with the HCPC: The Basics

To re-register with the HCPC, you will need to complete the Readmission application form and meet the "Return to Practice" requirements. The HCPC allows professionals to remain out of practice for up to two years without needing additional training. However, if you’ve been out of practice for more than two years, there are specific steps you must follow to regain your registration.

Return to Practice Requirements

If you have not practiced for over two years, the HCPC requires you to undertake supervised study and practical placement. The requirements are as follows:

  • 2-5 Years Out of Practice: You will need to complete 30 days of supervised study and practical placement in the UK.

  • 5+ Years Out of Practice: You will need to complete 60 days of supervised study and practical placement.

These requirements ensure that you are up-to-date with current practices and that you can safely and effectively return to your profession. At Monroe Medical, we offer Return to Practice Programmes designed to help you fulfill these requirements, providing the support and guidance you need to re-enter the workforce confidently.

Why Choose Monroe Medical for Your Return to Practice?

Re-registering with the HCPC can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially if you’ve been out of practice for an extended period. At Monroe Medical, we specialize in helping healthcare professionals navigate the HCPC re-registration process. Our tailored programmes are designed to meet the HCPC’s Return to Practice requirements, ensuring that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to resume your career in the UK.

Contact Us for HCPC Re-Registration Assistance

If you’re looking to re-register with the HCPC and need assistance, Monroe Medical is here to help. Contact us via email or phone to inquire about our HCPC registration packages and Return to Practice Programmes. We’re committed to supporting you every step of the way, making your transition back into practice as seamless as possible.

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