Private home care London and Physiotherapy Review - Stroke Rehab

Private home care London and Physiotherapy


Since 2016 I was experience right hip pain and stiffness.

I am 71 and I worked as a builder since I was 16.

My GP referred me for physiotherapy which helped only temporarily.

I already needed at that time live in care in London to allow me to function properly around the house.

My GP referred me again for a consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon.

The pain at that time was unbearable and I was on many pain killers.

The surgeon recommended a hip replacement surgery.

I was really worried about it because I live on my own and the idea about spending time in bed without being able to get up wasn’t great.

I goggled “private home help London” and I saw that Monroe Medial has many excellent reviews.

“Live in care London” – Monroe Medical reviews were 4,9/5.

This was helpful and I rang Monroe Medical.

Monika who runs Monroe Medical reassured me that her carers can provide help and assistance abut also exercises and walking practice under supervision of qualified physios.

This live in care London service is excellent.

I had my surgery 6 weeks ago, my live in carer provided not only support and help but also a companionship.

I was quite down because of the surgery and sometimes I lost faith that I will get better.

Sonia provided great help and now I can walk without a walking stick.

Without live in care I couldn’t recover as well as I did.

Thank you Monroe Medical.

I will definitely recommend Monroe Medical and their live in care London services.