Live in care in Dublin – COPD

Live in care in Dublin – COPD

I was diagnosed with COPD when I was 45.

I was a smoker but I gave up smoking 9 years ago.

Now I am 54.

This is a stage 2 of COPD.

Because I have a regular home care in Dublin provided by Monroe Medical, I can function better and enjoy various activates like swimming etc.

I may have a morning cough and shortness of breath (when walking and climbing stairs).

However my live in carer is very good in remaining me to take regular breaks and divide tasks into smaller tasks and goals.

We do breathing exercises daily and a physiotherapists who supervises the entire process, provides so called ACBT – Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques,

This helps to clear my chest.

I have approached many live in care companies in Dublin but there was never a service which combined home care in Dublin and physiotherapy.

Their home care Dublin office is open even over the weekends and when I need to see someone, there is always a specialist available.

I recommend live in care Dublin provided by Monroe Medical. This is the only home care plus physiotherapy service.

John Russell, Dublin